TrytheKit Fujifilm Loan is a service designed to give individuals the opportunity to evaluate equipment to inform and enable a prospective purchasing decision. Fujifilm Loan is not to be used to supplement equipment for paid for and or commercial work, or where there is no intention or consideration to make a purchase in the near future. Try The Kit reserves the right to refuse orders, exclude claims and/or participants if it is not satisfied with the information provided, or believes the service is not being used within the spirit it is intended
Questions covering how to find your perfect kit and place your order with Try The Kit.
Find out about stores and depots where you can pick up and drop off your kit.
Questions covering how to find your perfect kit and place your order with Try The Kit.
Find out about stores and depots where you can pick up and drop off your kit.
Covering the process of sending your kit back to us at the end of your loan period.
Questions covering any required deposits and insurance for Try The Kit orders.
Questions regarding our payment system and how settling an order works.
All things equipment-related, covering how kit appears and what to expect from us.
Covering the process of sending your kit back to us at the end of your loan period.
Questions covering any required deposits and insurance for Try The Kit orders.
Questions regarding our payment system and how settling an order works.
All things equipment-related, covering how kit appears and what to expect from us.